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Connecting The Dots…

Dr Anisa

Sometimes it’s in the most impromptu moments that things start making sense to you.I had just finished my First offline workshop , after few online workshops…

Connecting the dots…

Sometimes it’s in the most impromptu moments that things start making sense to you.

I had just finished my First offline workshop , after few online workshops.This was my first Offline workshop & it happened to be on 8th March – Women’s Day ( Yes! I was lucky, it just happened before this whole Corona pandemic!)

I asked the participants their AHA moments in the workshop… but it wasn’t until we were driving back home that something my hubby  Shoeb Shaikh said during the impromptu introduction that struck me…


He spoke about something I had done just for fun more than a decade ago… but suddenly it all made sense that day..


It was my friend  Aarti Daswani first workshop in her academy and my first offline workshop , it had to be a special one… & how more could it get special when it took me down memory lane, seeing BDS – Bombay Dental & Surgical participating at the same venue.


For, years back, we stood at the same platform, with my friend Ajay Bajaj & Sheth Mehul selling my passion which I never knew  was my passion… till #LetsGetSocialFBgroup  happened.( insert Fb group link here)


Back in 2007- 2008 , I was trying to learn Corel & Photoshop and  my family just didn’t get it, how it was related to dentistry!

I had designed some 30 odd Dental Posters & sold more than 1000copies that sold like hot cakes at  a small table at the BDS ( Bombay Dental & Surgical )stall at the Famdent  show somewhere in 2009.


Each Poster had a story, and that story was enough  to convince someone at the waiting room to say “ Yes “ to whatever treatment was presented.


That interest and passion for “ Marketing” had started then…I guess!


Looking at ad creatives in billboard and banners  while driving and dining became a hobby.


Whether it was a friend , a gym owner or salon I went, I loved giving some quick suggestions and was pleasantly surprised when I heard stories of sales , the next time I met them!


The interest got further ignited when I did my masters in Dental Business with Manish Chitnis couple of years ago.


A 15 minute conversation, with the Guru’s Guru, Chris Barrow that morning… and I decided that … I’m gonna follow my ❣ heart.


My Takeaway –


No matter how it may feel to start the journey, the world needs you to be YOU. It needs your talent and gifts in the way only you can share them. It’s your duty to show up, do the work and live your truth.

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